Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Immigration Without Proper Screening Is Opening the Door to Security Threats in Canada

The federal government’s immigration policy, including increasing the number of newcomers to 500,000 per year, has elicited much criticism of late. The effect so many newcomers have had on a tight housing and rental market has been noted repeatedly.
But one of the primary concerns about Canada’s refugee and citizenship system relates to national security and public safety. What has made the matter worse is a series of new revelations about alleged terrorist plots tied to the ISIS terrorist group being planned on Canadian soil.
The elder Eldidi obtained refugee, landed immigrant, and citizenship status despite having appeared in an ISIS propaganda snuff film in which he dismembered a prisoner (this occurred back in 2015). Despite “red flags” and “indicators,” he was nevertheless granted the aforementioned privileges.
Does someone have to die before we get more serious?
