Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

An Ode to .. Casey Costello

Smoke Signal
The High Council is to meet in Kings Landing.
The ruling elite stride into the Great Hall.
King Luxon the Aspirational
Haughtily takes his throne.
Rebellious Squire Chipkins
Glares through the windows
From outside in the gloomy rain.
Darleen the People’s Servant
wobbles in on their Unicycle
With a press-ganged maintenance team
Of debt bonded Oompa Loompas.
However, all start coughing
As a large amorphous Cloud of Fumes
Floats across the Great Hall,
Leaving a trail of ash on the carpet.
Lady of the Smokes Casey Costello!
A spectral apparition of toxic vapours.
The amorphous Cloud starts throwing out
Sample packs of Marlboro Lights
To the wheezing assembly
As they crawl towards the fire exits.
“Smokey not wokey!”
Laughs the Cloudy Lady,
As the sprinklers start to rain down
From the yellowed, tar stained ceiling
Of the Great Hall of Big Tobacco.
